
There are no vacancies at the moment.

Open job applications

Medusa is always looking for new employees that have added value for the organization. Therefore an open job application is always welcome. 
Besides sending your resume also tell something about yourselve.

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Do you have a question about websites?We'll be glad to assist you, free and without obligations.
Feel free to contact us.

  Call us at +3140-7470070

  Mail us for a question... or to be phoned.

Stronger together!


Simple simon

Simple-Simon is a job management webapp. Their app is market leader with thousands of users in many fields of service in 17 different countries. Their webapp provides overview with digital work orders.

Claassen Moolenbeek & partners

This national network of partners offers their expertise to entrepreneurs who want to improve their business strategy and they advise with financing and take-overs.

Best Design Sanitair

Best-Design Sanitair is al meer dan 40 jaar actief in de sanitair branche en inmiddels een gerenommeerd merk dat synoniem staat voor trendsettend design, kwaliteit en service.

Do you have a question about websites?We'll be glad to assist you, free and without obligations.
Feel free to contact us.

  Call us at +3140-7470070

  Mail us for a question... or to be phoned.

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